About me

I am an Assistant Teaching Professor at the University of Washington iSchool. I study how researchers can better engage with the public online, how science is discussed on social media, and how to communicate about controversial scientific topics. I mainly teach courses around design and social media.

I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BA in psychology in May of 2017. I completed my 3rd year honours thesis working with Steve Heine and Kate Block in the Culture and Self Lab, and my 4th year honours thesis working with Ron Rensink at the Visual Cognition Lab, where I led the Correlation project from September 2016 to June 2018.

I got my PhD in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, where I was co-advised by Gary Hsieh and Katharina Reinecke.

For more about me, check out my CV and the descriptions of my current projects.